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British Defense Ministry Uncovered COVID Wrongthink
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British Defense Ministry Uncovered COVID Wrongthink

In a heroic patriotic effort, the UK Ministry of Defense's (MOD's) 77th Brigade used social media monitoring to reveal traitorous saboteurs engaging in COVID wrongthink. Although the Brigade’s originally intended scope was merely to spy on foreign enemies, they went above and beyond by turning their tools to the enemy within: disloyal British citizens engaging in thoughtcrime by questioning the government's pandemic response. This included creating dossiers for the Department of Truth on former minister David Davis, who dared question the death toll prediction modeling, and meddlesome journalists Peter Hitchens and Toby Young.

The glorious work of the Counter Disinformation Unit and Rapid Response Unit ensured the promotion of the one true narrative and removal of divisive posts, serving as just the latest example of how our beloved Government always knows best in protecting our great nation.



  • According to whistleblowers, the UK Ministry of Defense's (MOD's) 77th Brigade was used to monitor social media posts criticizing the government's pandemic response.

  • The unit, which deploys "non-lethal engagement... to adapt behaviors of adversaries," reportedly went beyond its intended scope of monitoring foreign enemies to spy on British citizens.

  • The MOD allegedly collected dossiers on public figures — including former minister David Davis, who questioned the death toll prediction modeling, and journalists Peter Hitchens and Toby Young — which it then passed on to Downing Street.

Sources: The Telegraph, Daily Mail and Big Brother Watch.