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Eyes On The Poor: A Guide To Modern Public Housing Management
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Eyes On The Poor: A Guide To Modern Public Housing Management

As the gap between landed gentry and lowly renters widens, Big Brother requires you to succeed as an American public housing landlord in 2023. To that end, here are BB's three quintessential and ethically flexible management tactics:

Utilize Technology

Save money by using grants from HUD to hoard facial-recognition cameras and maximally monitor your premises. These subsidized cameras can spot facecrimes and summon the police to bust those perps…I mean, tenants. From gang-bangers to vapers standing less than 15 feet away from the building, your low-income residents, or someone who looks kind of like them, will be caught, and you won’t have to leave your recliner!

Be Open Minded

Put security cameras anywhere you feel like. Maybe sprinkle a few cameras in the nearby trees. How about their dirty clothes hamper? Have fun with it! Express your creativity. You don’t have to be limited to facial recognition cameras alone. Candidly, they don’t work that well, especially on faces of color and women.  

Build Rapport

As a landlord, your tenants' personal wants and needs are laughably inconsequential, but it’s vital to be friendly from the get-go with your local police precinct. Maybe bring them some fresh baked m&m cookies to show how you look forward to working together. Cosy up. You’ll be seeing them a lot!

We hope this helps you in your new business venture! Freedom is slavery, war is peace, and happy housewarming from Big Brother!


  • The US federal government has given grants to buy surveillance cameras in public housing with the intention of enhancing safety, but they’ve also been used to punish and evict residents for minor housing violations.

  • These 24/7 cameras have been used to punish residents for minor lease violations that aren’t crimes, like smoking in the wrong place or removing a laundry basket.

  • Facial recognition was also being used with the cameras, though the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development said it would no longer allow future grant recipients to spend security grants on such tools.

  • Due to many being unaware of these cameras and a lack of clear guidelines for their use, residents who are evicted can become homeless or lose employment opportunities.

  • While some have complained about potential privacy violations, others have voiced appreciation for their ability to reduce crime.

Sources: The Washington Post and PBS.