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Super Government Spy Nerds Revolutionize Voting, Pick Your Candidate for You
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Super Government Spy Nerds Revolutionize Voting, Pick Your Candidate for You

Can’t choose who to vote for? Rest easy, comrade! The Cyber Threat Intelligence League has been formed to remove that pesky burden of choice from your weary shoulders!

That’s right. Once a minor government contractor, the CTIL intertwined with the FBI, other US and UK information operatives, and private tech companies to construct an impenetrable internet fortress to shield America from dangerous political beliefs, all while skillfully circumventing cumbersome constitutional rights to ensure that we’ll never have to endure a laborious “free and fair” election ever again. What a relief!

The only thing that remains is deciding what to do with all this newfound spare time. I hear The Bear is good. Thank you, Chef!


  • According to a whistleblower, a group called the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL) began as a volunteer project consisting of data scientists and defense officials to combat "disinformation."

  • In a new report, the journalists behind the Twitter Files, Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi, found that the CTIL eventually became an official international censorship scheme involving US agencies and the UK's Dept. of Defense.

  • The whistleblower claimed the CTIL's founder, British defense researcher Sara-Jayne Terp, was "in the room" at Former US Pres. Barack Obama's White House in 2017 when she was told to prevent a "repeat of 2016," referring to the election of Donald Trump and Brexit.

  • Screen-captures of CTIL's internal messaging suggest it worked closely with the US FBI and Dept. of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) to create sock puppet social media accounts to "frame certain individuals as posing a threat of domestic terrorism for their political beliefs."

  • It claims that while such schemes are typically conducted overseas by the CIA or NSA, they worked with private tech companies to go after Americans because the government doesn't have the "legal authority" to do so on its own.

Sources: Substack, theTrumpet, and Washington Examiner.